V-Planner 3.100

V-Planner 3.100

V-Planner is a decompression program that uses the VPM-B for decompression
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3.100.1 See all
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

V-Planner is a powerful planner to calculate your dives. This software was developed for professional divers, and it may be difficult for novices. Using this program you can make calculations for all mixtures (air, nitrox, trimix, heliox) and also for opened and closed circuit rebreather. In addition it allows to use a wide range of individual settings. V-Planner allows to plan and keep individual dives history. It is possible to plan up to 10 dives concurrently. To plan the dive you should select depth time mix, deco mixes, set surface interval. With this decompression software you can make various adjustments: set conservatism level, create lost gas and bail out plans, extended stops, and air breaks. Also there are tools which allow you to calculate best mix, maximum depth, and others. The gas mixing utility is also included. It helps you to blend nitrox and trimix. This utility works only in registered version. All diving plans you create can be printed. This program also contains many help information: help file, on-line help, link to program’s home page, and check for update. V-Planner is available for PC, Mac, Linux, Mobile, iPod, iPhone, and the X1 dive computer.

JG Senior editor
Julia Galygo
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Powerful
  • Small size
  • Individual settings
  • Up to 10 dives
  • Built-in mixing utility


  • Not free



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